$ccf|1-Amida's fact file $aaf May be some of you have heard of me, may be you haven't. Whether you're interested or not heres a short summary of my background.... In the previous and long forgotten years I used to work as a coder, gfx and module composition in the group named "Paranoimia". It was since after some time the group died due to losses in communication between former members. In 1994 I joined Carnage and worked on misc. contributions. My releases so far: Slideshow - Anime V Carnage anims _ | |- Carnage Dominion |- Carnage Inferno |- CrN |- Garden of Eden ....and other misc. productions. Whilst working with The WORD I have two games named "Cream Lemon" and "Club-S" in lined for work-in-progress. Other new productions have also been planned, but first things are always the top priority. Amida/CrN. end